Central Laboratory of Technical Inspection (CLDT) - one of the largest and most modern testing laboratories in Poland is constantly developing
In current dynamic world, CLDT is expanding the spectrum of its activities to meet the expectations of the market and our customers. Today, our laboratories offer services with modern ultrasound testing techniques, i.e. TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction), PAUT (Phased Array), TULA (TOFD Ultra Low Angle), which significantly facilitate the interpretation of the results obtained, increase the speed of testing and improve the quality of imaging. We are equipped with a Phased Array ultrasonic scanner (PAUT) for inspection of circumferential welds on small diameter pipes, as well as a Scorpion 2 inspection robot. In hard-to-reach areas and large area equipment (e.g., storage tanks), we perform visual inspections using UAVs (drones), which can also be equipped with thermal imaging cameras.
Our laboratories also offer testing by the PEC (Pulsed Eddy Current) method, which enables rapid thickness measurements of pipelines without removing thermal insulation, without the need for head coupling and without preparation of the test surface. Another test from our wide portfolio is vibration measurement by the optical motion amplification method. The use of a high-speed camera makes it possible to use every pixel in the recorded image as a measurement sensor.
Office of Technical Inspection (UDT) signs an agreement with the Civil Aviation Authority and the Military Aviation Authority
On 3rd of June 2024, an Agreement on cooperation in the field of qualification and certification of non-destructive testing personnel in aviation was signed by Adam Ogrodnik (Vice President of Office of Technical Inspection), Brig. Gen. Pil. Robert Cierniak (Chief of Military Aviation Authority) and Julian Rotter (Acting President of Civil Aviation Authority).This document defines the principles of operation of the National Non-Destructive Testing Certification System and the recognition by the President of the CAA and the Chief of the MAA National Commission for Non-Destructive Testing in Aviation within the meaning of point 3.22 of the Polish Standard PN-EN 4179.
The agreement replaces the previous one between UDT and CAA, which has been in force since 2013. Now, the Agreement has been joined by the MAA. Its scope is the result of experience gained and many years of cooperation between UDT and CAA in the field of qualification and certification of NDT personnel in aviation.
2006/42/WE, Badanie typu WE
Ocena zgodności realizacjowana przez jednostkę notyfikowaną wg wymagań określonych w 2006/42/WE
Wystawienie Certyfikatu Zgodności dla Maszyny. Zlecający na tej podstawie mozę wystawić Deklarację Zgodności WE dla badanej maszyny.
- 2006/42/WE - Maszyny (MD)
- Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 21 października 2008 r. w sprawie zasadniczych wymagań dla maszyn
- Normy, przepisy lub wymagania firmy wskazane przez wnioskodawcę
- producent / upoważniony przedstawiciel, importer, dystrybutor, przekazujący do użytkowania, integrator, modernizujący, eksploatujący
Usługa skierowana do Klientów wytwarzających, sprowadzających na obszar EU, kompletujących, instalujących, maszyny i urządzenia stwarzające ryzyko upadku z wysokości większej niż 3m
Maszyny stwarzające ryzyko upadku z wysokości 3 metrów, podnośniki do serwisowania pojazdów, Jednostki logiczne wypełniające funkcje bezpieczeństwa, urządzenia ROPS i FOPS - ujęte w załączniku 4 DM 2006/42
Dokumentacja techniczna maszyny określona przez zał. VII 2006/42/WE (Obliczenia, rysunki, opis, schematy elektryczne, hydrauliczne, pneumatyczne, instrukcje, analizy ryzyka, deklaracje maszyn bądź maszyn nieukończonych wchodzących w skład badanej maszyny ), wniosek wraz z podaniem wymagań odniesienia (norm zharmonizowanych np. EN 280, EN 1495)
Zakres prac, wykonywanych przez ekspertów obejmuje:
- sprawdzenie poprawności i kompletności dokumentacji technicznej,
- sprawdzenie poprawności doboru wymagań odniesienia,
- opracowanie programu badań,
- wykonanie badań i prób zgodnie z programem badań
- ocenę wyników sprawdzeń, badań, prób technicznych i pomiarów,
- opracowanie dokumentów wyściowych: raportów ze sprawdzenia dokumentacji, sprawozdań/raportów z badań, certyfikatu badania typu WE.
Certyfikat badania typu WE wraz z załącznikami
Raport ze sprawdzenia dokumentacji
Sprawozdanie/raport z badań zawierający:
- wyniki sprawdzeń, badań, prób technicznych i pomiarów
- o ile to właściwe stwierdzenie zgodności z wymaganiami dokumentów odniesienia
Możliwość wystawienia Deklaracji Zgodności WE dzięki uzyskaniu certyfikatu badania typu WE. Uzyskanie przewagi konkurencyjnej.
Central Laboratory of Technical Inspection (CLDT) - one of the largest and most modern testing laboratories in Poland is constantly developing
In current dynamic world, CLDT is expanding the spectrum of its activities to meet the expectations of the market and our customers. Today, our laboratories offer services with modern ultrasound testing techniques, i.e. TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction), PAUT (Phased Array), TULA (TOFD Ultra Low Angle), which significantly facilitate the interpretation of the results obtained, increase the speed of testing and improve the quality of imaging. We are equipped with a Phased Array ultrasonic scanner (PAUT) for inspection of circumferential welds on small diameter pipes, as well as a Scorpion 2 inspection robot. In hard-to-reach areas and large area equipment (e.g., storage tanks), we perform visual inspections using UAVs (drones), which can also be equipped with thermal imaging cameras.
Our laboratories also offer testing by the PEC (Pulsed Eddy Current) method, which enables rapid thickness measurements of pipelines without removing thermal insulation, without the need for head coupling and without preparation of the test surface. Another test from our wide portfolio is vibration measurement by the optical motion amplification method. The use of a high-speed camera makes it possible to use every pixel in the recorded image as a measurement sensor.
Office of Technical Inspection (UDT) signs an agreement with the Civil Aviation Authority and the Military Aviation Authority
On 3rd of June 2024, an Agreement on cooperation in the field of qualification and certification of non-destructive testing personnel in aviation was signed by Adam Ogrodnik (Vice President of Office of Technical Inspection), Brig. Gen. Pil. Robert Cierniak (Chief of Military Aviation Authority) and Julian Rotter (Acting President of Civil Aviation Authority).This document defines the principles of operation of the National Non-Destructive Testing Certification System and the recognition by the President of the CAA and the Chief of the MAA National Commission for Non-Destructive Testing in Aviation within the meaning of point 3.22 of the Polish Standard PN-EN 4179.
The agreement replaces the previous one between UDT and CAA, which has been in force since 2013. Now, the Agreement has been joined by the MAA. Its scope is the result of experience gained and many years of cooperation between UDT and CAA in the field of qualification and certification of NDT personnel in aviation.
Code of ethics
- With regard to the care for the appropriate image of UDT by directing the services provided to modern, professional and effective operation in the area of public safety while stimulating development and meeting the needs and expectations of customers, constantly striving to provide services in an ethical and competent manner a Code of Ethics, which is a set of ethical norms and behavioral patterns is being established.
- Compliance with accepted ethical standards and behavior patterns is crucial for strengthening the credibility of the UDT in society, to achieve the highest standards of customer service and strengthening employees' identification with the company and its values.
- All UDT staff members are obliged to comply with the UDT's internal regulations, which define the basic principles and good practices ensuring impartial and ethical activities.