Anti-bribery management systems — Requirements with guidance for use
The Office of Technical Inspection (UDT) has implemented and certified Management System for Anti-Corruption Activities in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 37001: 2017-05 "Anti-bribery management systems — Requirements with guidance for use".
The main goal of the anti-corruption policy is to minimize the risk of corruption events, to provide preventive and control mechanisms.
We accomplish this goal through:
• applying unambiguous and transparent procedures and instructions, known and available to all UDT employees,
• monitoring the UDT management system processes in terms of the threat of corruption events and analyzing the risk of occurrence of such events and taking appropriate preventive measures, if necessary,
• raising employee awareness by raising the level of organizational culture, improving internal communication, improving motivation systems/incentive schemes and proper implementation of leadership.
We take care of constant improvement of employees' professional qualifications, including the area of anti-corruption issues. UDT employees participate in training in the field of ethics, counteracting corruption and conflict of interests, including corruption situations and ways to behave in such situations, as well as the consequences of being a participant of a corrupt event.
The Integrated Management System Policy
Ensuring the highest quality of services for public safety provided responsibly and professionally, is the most important task for the management and all employees of the Office of Technical Inspection.
Social trust, partnership cooperation with clients and constant development and optimal use of employees' potential is our prioritiy.
We accomplish these goals:
- applying management methods in accordance with the requirements of the following standards: PN-EN ISO/IEC 17020, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17021-1, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17024, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025, PN-EN ISO/IEC 27001, PN-EN ISO 9001, PN ISO 37001, PN ISO 45001 and PN-EN ISO 14001, procedures, rules described in the UDT Quality Manual;
- ensuring impartial, fair and professional performance of technical inspection and other services provided;
- focusing on innovation and introducing modern tools for inspection;
- providing a safe working environment, constant development of knowledge, skills and competences of the staff as well as following the rules of the UDTs’ code of ethics;
- aiming at minimizing the risk of a corruption by analyzing the corruption risks that may occur in the processes we carry out;
- providing resources and means necessary to implement the Integrated Management System Policy;
- ensuring full compliance of actions taken with the requirements of national and international law.
The guarantee of the implementation of this policy is the personal commitment of the UDT Management and of all employees to comply with and to improve the Integrated Management System.
This integrated management system policy is declared and signed by the President of UDT.
Regional Branch Offices
There are 10 regional branch offices distributed over the whole territory of Poland. The regional offices and locations of their premises are aimed at customers’ convenience for minimizing the distance and time of inspector's response.
- Robert Wudecki, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Bydgoszcz;
- Daniel Konkel, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Gdańsk;
- Marek Gocol, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Katowice;
- Andrzej Rozlach, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Kraków;
- Tomasz Ługowski, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Lublin;
- Krzysztof Klarzak, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Łódź;
- Marcin Mitek, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Poznań;
- Dariusz Kusio, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Szczecin;
- Norbert Wroński Director of Regional Branch Office based in Warszawa;
- Rafał Osiński, Director of Regional Branch Office based in Wrocław.
UDT Board and Management
Paweł Urbańczyk
President of UDT.
Dr. Eng. Pawel Urbańczyk, has been associated with the Office of Technical Inspection (Polish: Urząd Dozoru Technicznego, UDT) for over 20 years. During this time, he successfully climbed up the career ladder, gaining extensive experience and knowledge in technical inspection. In his recent role, he was responsible for managing inspection activities at plants of strategic importance to the Polish economy.
Mr Urbańczyk has vast, in-depth operational knowledge of UDT and its legal environment. He perfectly understands the market realities related to implementation of strategic projects and investments in Poland’s critical infrastructure where UDT acts as an Inspection, Certification and Notified Body. As a representative of the Notified Body UDT-CERT, he has managed projects for utility power industry and energy sector. He was also responsible for managing UDT’s multi-task teams of experts. Mr Urbańczyk is a lecturer at the UDT Academy.
In 2016 he completed a PhD in Technical Sciences (discipline of machine construction and operation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at Częstochowa University of Technology). As an expert, he has participated in multiple national and international conferences with the focus on technical inspection. He has also authored numerous articles on materials used in the energy sector which were published in leading Polish journals. Mr Urbańczyk is also a member of the Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) – Committee on Power Engineering.
For his outstanding contributions to the Office of Technical Inspection, his vast expertise and work for public safety, in 2022 Mr Urbańczyk was awarded the honorary medal of Merit for Technical Inspection.
Adam Ogrodnik
Vice-President of UDT.
He has been with UDT for over 20 years. He started his carieer in the Production Department. Then, he became a Head of Nuclear Energy and Recognition of Qualifications Unit. Later in his career he was the director of the Inspection Coordination Department. He implemented many solutions to improve safety and standardize inspection processes, checking and confirming authorization to operate and maintain technical equipment. He participated in the establishment of the first Notified Body in Poland, UDT CERT.
He cooperates with industry organizations to improve the level of safety in Poland. He is a member of the Technical Committee No. 135 of PKN and a member of the council of the Łukasiewicz Research Network Institute - Upper Silesian Institute of Technology.
He completed the Faculty of Production Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology, and then post graduate studies in Nuclear Power at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at WUT. Certified Project Manager.
Andrzej Ziółkowski
Vice-President of UDT.
For over 30 years - almost his entire professional career - he has been associated with the Office of Technical Inspection.
He started as a programmer; then he was the inspector of pressure devices for many years, and then the director of the UDT Branch in Poznan. In the years 2016-2024 he was the president of UDT.
He implemented the idea and developed a remote inspection at UDT, introduced an electronic exchange of documents and an online customer service portal. He also expanded the scale of operations of Central Laboratory of Technical Inspection and of UDT - CERT.
His mission is to develop UDT as an expert engineering organization committed to energy transition process focused on Sustainable Development.
He is the co-author of numerous polish regulations on pressure devices.
Graduated the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering at Poznań University of Technology. Completed Ph. D Studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Institute of Applied Mechanics. Afterwards, he completed MBA Program at Poznań University of Economics and Business and Georgia State University.
Graduate of postgraduate studies at the Academy of Leadership Psychology.
UDT Headquarters
- Jacek Kocięcki, Director of Technical Department
- Adam Goreń, Director of Certification and Conformity Assessment Department
- Paweł Smoliński, Director of Innovation and Development Department
- Karol Formowicz, Director of Central Laboratory of Technical Inspection
- Paweł Domeracki, Director of Administration and Infrastructure
- Piotr Majcherkiewicz, Director of IT Department
- Michał Pietrzyk, Director of Financial Department
- Anna Chylińska, Director of Human Resources Department
- Małgorzata Kacprzycka - Skrocka, Director of Legal and Organisational Department
- Mirosław Rutkowski, Plenipotentiary of the President for Protection of Classified Information, Protection of Classified Information Team
- Klaudia Noras, Head of the Occupational Safety, Health and Fire Protection Team
- Joanna Litwin, Head of the Internal Audit and Control Team
UDT Strategic Aims
- intensification of activities aimed at public safety
- development of innovative engineering organization
- increased customer satisfaction
- assurance of financial liquidity
- effective management of human resources
- improvement of services logistics
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Polityka Jakości
Polityką Jakości Urzędu Dozoru Technicznego jest:
• Inicjowanie i prowadzenie działań służących zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa eksploatacji urządzeń technicznych oraz ochrony środowiska zgodnie z wymaganiami zawartymi w następujących dokumentach: ustawa z dnia 21 grudnia 2000 r. o dozorze technicznym, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17020, PN-EN 45011, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17021, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17024, PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025.
• Ukierunkowanie świadczonych usług w zakresie:
- inspekcji,
- oceny zgodności,
- certyfikacji wyrobów,
- certyfikacji systemów zarządzania,
- certyfikacji osób,
- badań laboratoryjnych,
- wzorcowania wyposażenia pomiarowo-badawczego,
- popularyzowania zagadnień związanych z bezpieczeństwem technicznym,
- szkoleń
na spełnianie potrzeb i oczekiwań Klientów oraz wymagań mających zastosowanie przepisów.
• Dbałość o właściwy wizerunek UDT i świadczenie usług w sposób etyczny i kompetentny.
• Dostosowanie form działalności do wymagań rynku.
Zadowolenie Klientów stanowi miarę jakości naszych usług.
Podejmowanie działań na rzecz poprawy jakości ma dla nas znaczenie priorytetowe i wszyscy jesteśmy w nie zaangażowani.
Osiąganie planowanych wyników jakości realizujemy przez wdrożenie i ciągłe doskonalenie skuteczności systemu zarządzania jakością zgodnego z normą PN-EN ISO 9001.
Urząd Dozoru Technicznego inicjuje i prowadzi działania służące zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa, ochrony zdrowia i życia pracowników, poprzez stałą poprawę i ciągłe doskonalenie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, oraz ciągłe doskonalenie systemu zarządzania środowiskowego, przy spełnieniu wymagań prawnych i innych wymagań, zgodnie z PN-N-18001 oraz PN-EN ISO 14001.
Dążymy do:
• Zapobiegania wypadkom przy pracy, chorobom zawodowym, zdarzeniom potencjalnie wypadkowym oraz do identyfikacji zagrożeń i minimalizowania ryzyka zawodowego na stanowiskach pracy poprzez wprowadzenie kart oceny ryzyka zawodowego.
• Zminimalizowania negatywnego wpływu na środowisko, identyfikacji i kontroli znaczących aspektów środowiskowych, ograniczenia zużycia surowców naturalnych, energii elektrycznej, produkcji odpadów.
• Podnoszenia kwalifikacji oraz uwzględnienia roli pracowników i ich angażowania do działań na rzecz poprawy bhp i środowiska.
• Zapewnienia zasobów i środków do wdrażania polityki.
Prezes Prezes UDT
Warszawa, dnia 13 czerwca 2012 r.