Logowanie do serwisu eUDT
Aby zalogować się do konta należy w przeglądarce internetowej wpisać adres eudt.gov.pl
Logować możesz się za pomocą loginu i hasła.
W miejscu login wpisz swój adres mail, który użyłeś w momencie zakładania konta. W polu hasło wpisz hasło, które wybrałeś w momencie zakładania konta. Naciśnij przycisk Zaloguj się.
Bez aktywacji konta nie będzie możliwości zalogowania się na nie. Link jest aktywny przez 24h od otrzymania wiadomości. Upewnij się, że kliknąłeś w link aktywacyjny wysłany podczas procesu rejestracji.
Możliwość logowania do systemu eudt.gov.pl za pomocą Login.gov.pl (wykorzystując Profil Zaufany) oraz podpisu kwalifikowanego nie jest już dostępna.
Jeśli logowałeś się do serwisu tymi metodami zmień sposób logowania na metodę LOGIN i HASŁO poprzez wykonanie resetu hasła i/lub loginu.
Jeśli do systemu https://eudt.gov.pl/ logujesz się podając login i hasło, ten artykuł nie dotyczy Ciebie. Nie musisz niczego zmieniać - logujesz się jak dotychczas.
Uwaga: zmiana ta nie dotyczy podpisywania wniosków, plików oraz innych dokumentów w systemie! Te nadal podpisuje się Profilem Zaufanym lub podpisem kwalifikowanym.
INSTRUKCJA zmiany metody logowania na metodę LOGIN i HASŁO - krok po kroku:
1. Wejdź na stronę główną https://eudt.gov.pl/
2. Na stronie głównej https://eudt.gov.pl/ kliknij w opcję „Nie pamiętam loginu lub hasła”
3. Po przejściu na stronę resetowania hasła lub loginu wybierz opcję „Zresetuj hasło”.
4. W pole „Adres e-mail” wprowadź swój dotychczas stosowany adres e-mail. Następnie kliknij w przycisk „Resetuj hasło”.
5. Wejdź na skrzynkę pocztową podanego adresu e-mail i odszukaj wiadomości od „eudt” o tytule „eUDT – resetowanie hasła".
6. Otwórz wiadomość od „eudt” i kliknij w link (lub przekopiuj link do przeglądarki). System po kliknięciu w link przekieruje Cię do strony z resetowaniem hasła, gdzie będziesz mógł utworzyć NOWE HASŁO do konta w systemie.
7. Wprowadź nowe hasło – zalecamy, by hasło miało wielkie i małe litery, cyfrę oraz znak specjalny. W haśle nie można użyć imienia oraz drugiego imienia. To samo hasło wprowadź w polu „Powtórz hasło” i kliknij „Zapisz nowe hasło”.
8. Wybierz „Powrót do strony logowania” lub przejdź na stronę główną https://eudt.gov.pl/ .
Zaloguj się do systemu eudt.gov.pl za pomocą twojego adresu email oraz ustalonego hasła. Od tej pory używaj do logowania na portal https://eudt.gov.pl/ ustalonego loginu i hasła. Logowanie UDT jest proste. Sprawdź.
Jeśli nie pamiętasz adresu e-mail wykonaj operację resetowania loginu. Przejdź na stronę resetowania hasła/ loginu i wybierz opcję „Zresetuj login” i postępuj analogicznie jak w przypadku resetu hasła.
Zobacz także: Instrukcja obsługi portalu eUDT
Logowanie UDT jest proste. Sprawdź. Jeśli masz problem z logowaniem do konta na portalu eUDT skontaktuj się z infolinią UDT w celu uzyskania pomocy.
Logowanie do serwisu eUDT
Aby zalogować się do konta należy w przeglądarce internetowej wpisać adres eudt.gov.pl
Logować możesz się za pomocą loginu i hasła.
W miejscu login wpisz swój adres mail, który użyłeś w momencie zakładania konta. W polu hasło wpisz hasło, które wybrałeś w momencie zakładania konta. Naciśnij przycisk Zaloguj się.
Bez aktywacji konta nie będzie możliwości zalogowania się na nie. Link jest aktywny przez 24h od otrzymania wiadomości. Upewnij się, że kliknąłeś w link aktywacyjny wysłany podczas procesu rejestracji.
Możliwość logowania do systemu eudt.gov.pl za pomocą Login.gov.pl (wykorzystując Profil Zaufany) oraz podpisu kwalifikowanego nie jest już dostępna.
Jeśli logowałeś się do serwisu tymi metodami zmień sposób logowania na metodę LOGIN i HASŁO poprzez wykonanie resetu hasła i/lub loginu.
Jeśli do systemu https://eudt.gov.pl/ logujesz się podając login i hasło, ten artykuł nie dotyczy Ciebie. Nie musisz niczego zmieniać - logujesz się jak dotychczas.
Uwaga: zmiana ta nie dotyczy podpisywania wniosków, plików oraz innych dokumentów w systemie! Te nadal podpisuje się Profilem Zaufanym lub podpisem kwalifikowanym.
INSTRUKCJA zmiany metody logowania na metodę LOGIN i HASŁO - krok po kroku:
1. Wejdź na stronę główną https://eudt.gov.pl/
2. Na stronie głównej https://eudt.gov.pl/ kliknij w opcję „Nie pamiętam loginu lub hasła”
3. Po przejściu na stronę resetowania hasła lub loginu wybierz opcję „Zresetuj hasło”.
4. W pole „Adres e-mail” wprowadź swój dotychczas stosowany adres e-mail. Następnie kliknij w przycisk „Resetuj hasło”.
5. Wejdź na skrzynkę pocztową podanego adresu e-mail i odszukaj wiadomości od „eudt” o tytule „eUDT – resetowanie hasła".
6. Otwórz wiadomość od „eudt” i kliknij w link (lub przekopiuj link do przeglądarki). System po kliknięciu w link przekieruje Cię do strony z resetowaniem hasła, gdzie będziesz mógł utworzyć NOWE HASŁO do konta w systemie.
7. Wprowadź nowe hasło – zalecamy, by hasło miało wielkie i małe litery, cyfrę oraz znak specjalny. W haśle nie można użyć imienia oraz drugiego imienia. To samo hasło wprowadź w polu „Powtórz hasło” i kliknij „Zapisz nowe hasło”.
8. Wybierz „Powrót do strony logowania” lub przejdź na stronę główną https://eudt.gov.pl/ .
Zaloguj się do systemu eudt.gov.pl za pomocą twojego adresu email oraz ustalonego hasła. Od tej pory używaj do logowania na portal https://eudt.gov.pl/ ustalonego loginu i hasła. Logowanie UDT jest proste. Sprawdź.
Jeśli nie pamiętasz adresu e-mail wykonaj operację resetowania loginu. Przejdź na stronę resetowania hasła/ loginu i wybierz opcję „Zresetuj login” i postępuj analogicznie jak w przypadku resetu hasła.
Zobacz także: Instrukcja obsługi portalu eUDT
Logowanie UDT jest proste. Sprawdź. Jeśli masz problem z logowaniem do konta na portalu eUDT skontaktuj się z infolinią UDT w celu uzyskania pomocy.
Accessibility Statement
Urząd Dozoru Technicznego (UDT) is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public sector bodies. This accessibility statement applies to udt.gov.pl.
Dates of publication and updates
- Date of website publication: 2017-05-06
- Latest major update: 2020-09-07
Compliance status regarding the Act on digital accessibility
This website is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public sector bodies due to the non-compliances or the exemptions listed below:
- it may happen that despite the effort of the website editors, some of the documents on the site are digitally unaccessible due to the fact that:
o were published before the digital version came into effect,
o come from external sources,
o the maps are excluded from the accessibility obligation,
- Some documents necessary to be completed and downloaded (e.g. guidelines, registers, lists, etc.) are digitally unaccessible and shall be successively improved,
- Some videos on the website may not contain subtitles or other required elements due to the fact that they were also posted before the entry into force of the Credibility Act or come from external sources,
- documents or presentations are archival and were made available before September 23, 2018, and their content is not essential concerning the implementation of the current tasks of UDT.
Date of the preparation of the Declaration and accessibility assessment methods:
The declaration was made on: 2021-02-25
Date of the last review of the declaration: 2024-08-05
The declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by UDT.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Standard browser keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website. Facilities for the disabled are available:
- Ctrl + Plus (+) - enlarge the font
- high contrast setting
- Alt + M - go to the site map
- Alt + T - go to the content without the menu
Feedback and contact details
In case of problems with the accessibility of the udt.gov.pl website, please contact Ms. Karolina Świerczewska at the following e-mail address: dostepnosc@udt.gov.pl or by phone +48 506 153 935.
Requests for access to unavailable information and complaints about the failure to ensure the availability of the udt.gov.pl website can be submitted to dostepnosc@udt.gov.pl
Information on the procedure
Each user has the right to request the accessibility of the ud.gov.pl website or its element.
In accordance with the Art. 29 of the Act of July 19, 2019 on the supply of accessibility for persons with special needs (Dz.U. z 2020 r. poz. 1062), hereinafter referred to as: the Act, without the need to issue a physical or factual interest, has the right to inform UDT of the lack of architectural or information and communication accessibility of the entity referred to in Art. 6, point 1 or 3 of the Act.
However, pursuant to the Art. 30 section 1 of the Act, a person with special needs or their statutory representative, after demonstrating a factual interest, has the right to apply to UDT for architectural or information and communication accessibility.
An application for accessibility (docx. 23 KB) should be submitted to the public entity whose activity is related to the information or request for accessibility.
The request for accessibility should include:
- applicant's contact details,
- indication of a barrier hindering or preventing accessibility in terms of architecture or information and communication,
- indication of the method of contact with the applicant,
- indication of the preferred method of ensuring accessibility, if applicable.
Availability requests can be submitted:
- in person: at the Office of the UDT, ul. Szczęśliwicka 34, 02-353 Warsaw, 7:00 - 15:00
- by post to the following address: Urząd Dozoru Technicznego, ul. Szczęśliwicka 34, 02-353 Warsaw.
- by electronic correspondence to udt@udt.gov.pl or via UDT Electronic Inbox (ePUAP) /udt/SkrytkaESP.
UDT should ensure accessibility (implement the request) without undue delay, but not later than within 14 days from the date of the submission of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, UDT shall immediately notify the applicant of the reasons for the delay and indicate a new deadline for ensuring accessibility, not longer than 2 months from the date of the submission of the application.
If ensuring accessibility within the scope specified in the application is impossible or significantly difficult, e.g. for technical or legal reasons, UDT shall immediately notify the applicant of the inability to ensure accessibility, proposing alternative access.
If UDT fails to provide the requested accessibility in the manner and within the time limit indicated above, the applicant has the right to file a complaint about the lack of accessibility. The complaint shall be submitted to the President of the Management Board of PFRON within 30 days from the date of expiry of the deadlines referred to above.
After exhausting all the possibilities, the complaint can also be sent to the Ombudsman (https://bip.brpo.gov.pl/).
We kindly inform you that the provisions of the Act of June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 735, as amended) do not apply, with the exception of the provisions regarding the exclusion of employees of the authority, deliveries, the method of calculating deadlines, supplementing formal shortcomings and submitting the application in accordance with the jurisdiction.
Architectural accessibility
Centrala Urzędu Dozoru Technicznego, ul. Szczęśliwicka 34; 02-353 Warsaw UDT headquarters is located at ul. Szczęśliwicka 34 in a complex of 4 buildings: A, B, C, D.
Buildings A, B and C are interconnected, while building D is a separate building.
The main entrance to building B is located on the side of Szczęśliwicka Street and takes the stairs. An additional entrance with a ramp enabling access for people with mobility disabilities is located on the side of the courtyard and allows the access to buildings B and C.
The building has passenger lifts with access to all floors of buildings B and C.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Białystok, Branch in Warsaw, ul. Hetmańska 99, 15-727 Bialystok
The main entrance to the building is from Hetmańska Street.
The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building (including from the underground parking level) and access to the premises.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There are designated parking spaces for the disabled both in the internal and underground car parks.
UDT Office in Bielsko-Biała, Branch in Katowice, ul. Legionów 81, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała
The main entrance to the building is located at Legionów Street and has a ramp for the physically disabled persons. Access to the passenger lift by stairs - there is a device for lifting a wheelchair for the disabled. The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which enables free movement around the building and access to rooms. The building has a toilet on the ground floor adapted to the needs of the disabled.
Near the entrances to the building and in the internal car park there is a designated parking space for the disabled.
UDT branch in Bydgoszcz, ul. Kamienna 76; 85-726 Bydgoszcz
The main entrance to the building is from Kamienna Street.
The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which enables free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a designated parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Częstochowa, Branch in Katowice, ul. Kilińskiego 115; 42-218 Czestochowa
The main entrance to the building is located at Kilińskiego Street - no access for people with physical disabilities.
The building does not have passenger lifts. The training room located next to the building has a ramp for wheelchairs for the disabled at the entrance.
The building does not have toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the outdoor car park.
UDT branch in Gdańsk, ul. Trakt Św.. Wojciecha 215 B; 80-017 Gdansk
The main entrance to the building is located at ul. Trakt Św.. Wojciecha.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which enables free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is no parking space for the disabled near the entrance to the building.
UDT Office in Gliwice, Branch in Katowice, ul. Robotnicza 4a; 44-100 Gliwice
The main entrance to the building is located at Odlewników street.
The Entrance to the building with a driveway and another to the passenger lift - from the private parking lot.
The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which enables free movement around the building and access to rooms.The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled persons in the car park.
UDT Office in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Branch in Szczecin, ul. Kotsisa 3; 66-400 Gorzow Wielkopolski
The main entrance to the building is from Kotsisa Street.
A building with an access ramp for people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors. Access for people with physical disabilities limited to the ground floor of the building - the possibility of providing service for people with disabilities on the ground floor. There is no toilet with facilities for the disabled in the building.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the car park.
UDT branch in Katowice, ul. Wrocławska 54 (DL PIANO building); 40-217 Katowice
The main entrance to the building is from the car park of the building located at ul. Wrocławska 54. The building is accessible to people with physical disabilities. The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors. The building has a toilet adapted for people with physical disabilities. The car park offers a parking space for the disabled.
Office of the UDT in Kielce, Branch in Krakow, ul. Kosciuszki 33B; 25-316 Kielce
The main entrance to the building is from Kościuszki Street.
The building does not have a passenger lift, there is a toilet for the disabled on the ground floor, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) and moving around for people with physical disabilities.
The building has a stairclimber, enabling people with physical disabilities accessing the ground floor of the building, but with the help of the UDT employee.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Koszalin, Branch in Szczecin, ul. Morska 45; 75-215 Koszalin
The main entrance to the building is located from the side of the internal car park at Morska Street.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
Branch Office of Technical Inspection in Krakow, ul. L. Rydla 50; 30-087 Krakow
The main entrance to the building is from Rydla Street. Access for people with mobility disabilities is possible through the side entrance from the internal car park (requesting security is necessary).
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Lublin, ul. Droga Męczenników Majdanka 6; 20-325 Lublin
The building has two entrances. The main entrance to the building is from Droga Męczenników Majdanka Street and the entrance from the car park.
The building has a passenger lift, no toilet for the disabled, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) and moving around for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park. There is an intercom in the parking lot.
UDT branch in Łódź, ul. Dowborczyków 18; 90-019 Łódź
The main entrance to the building is from Dowborczyków Street.
The building is accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
The building has toilets adapted for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Olsztyn, Branch in Gdańsk, Al. Wojska Polskiego 48; 10-229 Olsztyn
The main entrance to the building is from Al. Wojska Polskiego.
The building has a passenger lift, no separate toilet for the disabled, no access to the building (stairs).
The building is not accessible to people with physical disabilities. There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park. There is an intercom in the parking lot.
UDT Office in Opole, Branch in Wrocław, ul. Plebiscytowa 5; 45-360 Opole
The main entrance to the building is from Wojciecha Drzymały Street.
The building does not have a passenger lift. There is a toilet for the disabled persons on the ground floor of the building. It is possible to enter the building (ramp and videophone) and move around on the ground floor for people with physical disabilities.
There are no dedicated parking spaces for the disabled near the entrance to the building nor in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Ostrów Wielkopolski, Branch in Łódź, ul. Matejki 31; 63-400 Ostrow Wielkopolski
The main entrance to the building is from Matejki Street. The entrance to the building has no stairs and is accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Płock, Branch in Bydgoszcz, ul. Kilińskiego 10c; 09-402 Płock
The main entrance to the building is located at Kilińskiego Street. Additional entrance from the side of the car park with a ramp enabling the entry for people with physical disabilities.
Access for people with physical disabilities is limited to the ground floor of the building - disabled people can be provided with service on the ground floor. The building has a toilet on the ground floor with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Poznań, ul. Małachowskiego 10; 61-129 Poznań
The main entrance to the building is from the internal car park located at Małachowskiego Street.
The seat of the Branch is located in the rented office space on the 1st floor of the building. The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
In the vicinity of the entrances to the building and in the internal car park, there are no parking spaces for the disabled allocated to UDT. There are public spaces for people with disabilities.
UDT Office in Puławy, Branch in Lublin, Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 13; 24-110 Pulawy
The Office is located in a rented office building on the premises of Zakłady Azotowe Puławy.
The building does not have a passenger lift, no designated toilet for the disabled, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) nor moving around for people with physical disabilities.
There are no designated parking spaces for the disabled near the entrance to the building nor in the internal car park.
Office of UDT in Radom, Branch in Łódź, ul. 11 Listopada 29; 26-605 Radom
The main entrance to the building is located at 11 Listopada Street. The entrance to the building has no stairs and is accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a designated parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Rzeszów, Branch in Lublin, ul. Wita Stwosza 49; 35-113 Rzeszow
The main entrance to the building is located at Wita Stwosza Street.
The building does not have a passenger lift, no toilet for the disabled, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) nor moving around for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park. There is an intercom in the parking lot.
UDT office in Siedlce, Branch in Warsaw, ul. Brzeska 122; 08-102 Siedlce
The main entrance to the building is from Brzeska Street.
The building is inaccessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building does not have toilets adapted to the needs of the disabled.
There is no designated parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Szczecin, ul. Wincentego Pola 2b; 71 - 342 Szczecin
The main entrance to the building is from Wincentego Pola Street. The building is not accessible to people with physical disabilities. The Entrance to the ground floor of the building by stairs - disabled people have access to the area on the ground floor of the building via a landing. The building does not have a toilet for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the parking lot in front of the property.
Office of the UDT in Tarnów, Branch in Krakow, ul. Czerwonych Klonów 6; 33-101 Tarnow
The main entrance to the building is located at Czerwonych Klonów Street.
The building does not have a passenger lift, no toilet for the disabled, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) nor moving around for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Toruń, Branch in Bydgoszcz, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 77b; 87-100 Torun
The office is located on the ground floor of a multi-family building. The main entrance to the office is from Żwirki i Wigury Street. The building has a ramp enabling the access for people with physical disabilities.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes of the premises in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to the rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the premises and access to the rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There are no parking spaces for the disabled near the entrances to the building.
UDT Office in Wałbrzych, Branch in Wrocław, ul. Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego 3a; 58- 309 Walbrzych
The main entrance to the building is located at Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego Street. The entrance to the building has a ramp enabling the access for people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms. The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled. There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT office in Zielona Góra, Branch in Poznań, ul. Ceglana 19; 65-211 Zielona Gora
The main entrance to the building is located at Ceglana Street. An additional entrance to the facility is located from the side of the internal car park and has a ramp enabling the access for people with physical disabilities. The Access for people with physical disabilities is limited to the ground floor of the building - disabled people can be provided with service on the ground floor.
On the ground floor, the building has a toilet with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Warsaw, ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 172; 02-486 Warsaw
The main entrance to the building is located at Aleje Jerozolimskie 172.
The building is accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors. The building has toilets adapted for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT office in Włocławek, Branch in Bydgoszcz, ul. Toruńska 222; 87-805 Wloclawek
The Office is located in a rented one-story office building on the premises of Zakłady Anwil Włocławek.
The building is not accessible to people with physical disabilities (stairs).
There is no toilet adapted for disabled persons in the premises.
There are no dedicated parking spaces for the disabled near the entrance to the building nor in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Wrocław, ul. Grabiszyńska 51; 53-503 Wroclaw
The main entrance to the building is from Grabiszyńska Street. The entrance to the building has no stairs and is accessible to people with physical disabilities. Handicapped people are provided with service on the ground floor due to the fact that the access to the passenger lift with the access to all floors is via stairs. The building does not have a toilet with facilities for the disabled.
There are no parking spaces for the disabled near the entrances to the building nor in the internal car park.
Central Laboratory of Technical Inspection in Poznań, ul. Ostrowska 388; Poznań
The main entrance to the office building is located from the side of the internal car park.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the office building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., and the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The office building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
The laboratory hall is available on the ground floor of the building. The entrance to level 1 (mezzanine with laboratory rooms) via stairs - no accessibility for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
Moving around UDT buildings
In accordance with the safety rules at Office of Technical Inspection, guests and visitors are not allowed to move around the building on their own. They are always accompanied by people inviting or conducting cases. They ensure that you can reach the right rooms and provide the necessary support. Persons using the assistance of an assistance dog or a guide dog may enter UDT buildings in accordance with the rules described above.
Accessibility for people who are deaf or hard of hearing
In order to effectively communicate with our office, deaf or hard of hearing people can:
- use free assistance of an on-line sign language interpreter:
o the on-line translation service is provided from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, excluding public holidays;
o you can connect via device with a camera and the Internet access;
o the link to the sign language interpreter is located in the upper right corner of the website of Office of Technical Inspection and is marked with a special hand pictogram. Clicking on the pictogram will redirect you to the website of the Polish Association of the Deaf, where you can connect with an interpreter.
- write a letter/submit an application to the following address: Biuro Dozoru Technicznego, ul. Szczęśliwicka 34, 02-353 Warsaw;
- send an e-mail to: udt@udt.gov.pl;
- contact by phone with the help of a third party at the telephone number: (+48) 22 57 22 100;
- contact in person by reporting to the office between 8.00 and 16.00.
Mobile applications
UDT currently does not provide any mobile applications.
Declaration of accessibility of the udt.gov.pl website
Urząd Dozoru Technicznego (UDT) is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public sector bodies. This accessibility statement applies to udt.gov.pl.
Dates of publication and updates
- Date of website publication: 2017-05-06
- Latest major update: 2020-09-07
Compliance status regarding the Act on digital accessibility
This website is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public sector bodies due to the non-compliances or the exemptions listed below:
- it may happen that despite the effort of the website editors, some of the documents on the site are digitally unaccessible due to the fact that:
o were published before the digital version came into effect,
o come from external sources,
o the maps are excluded from the accessibility obligation,
- Some documents necessary to be completed and downloaded (e.g. guidelines, registers, lists, etc.) are digitally unaccessible and shall be successively improved,
- Some videos on the website may not contain subtitles or other required elements due to the fact that they were also posted before the entry into force of the Credibility Act or come from external sources,
- documents or presentations are archival and were made available before September 23, 2018, and their content is not essential concerning the implementation of the current tasks of UDT.
Date of the preparation of the Declaration and accessibility assessment methods:
The declaration was made on: 2021-02-25
Date of the last review of the declaration: 2023-02-07
The declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by UDT.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Standard browser keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website. Facilities for the disabled are available:
- Ctrl + Plus (+) - enlarge the font
- high contrast setting
- Alt + M - go to the site map
- Alt + T - go to the content without the menu
Feedback and contact details
In case of problems with the accessibility of the udt.gov.pl website, please contact Ms. Klaudia Noras at the following e-mail address: dostepnosc@udt.gov.pl or by phone +48 690 183 608.
Requests for access to unavailable information and complaints about the failure to ensure the availability of the udt.gov.pl website can be submitted to dostepnosc@udt.gov.pl
Information on the procedure
Each user has the right to request the accessibility of the ud.gov.pl website or its element.
In accordance with the Art. 29 of the Act of July 19, 2019 on the supply of accessibility for persons with special needs (Dz.U. z 2020 r. poz. 1062), hereinafter referred to as: the Act, without the need to issue a physical or factual interest, has the right to inform UDT of the lack of architectural or information and communication accessibility of the entity referred to in Art. 6, point 1 or 3 of the Act.
However, pursuant to the Art. 30 section 1 of the Act, a person with special needs or their statutory representative, after demonstrating a factual interest, has the right to apply to UDT for architectural or information and communication accessibility.
An application for accessibility (docx. 23 KB) should be submitted to the public entity whose activity is related to the information or request for accessibility.
The request for accessibility should include:
- applicant's contact details,
- indication of a barrier hindering or preventing accessibility in terms of architecture or information and communication,
- indication of the method of contact with the applicant,
- indication of the preferred method of ensuring accessibility, if applicable.
Availability requests can be submitted:
- in person: at the Office of the UDT, ul. Szczęśliwicka 34, 02-353 Warsaw, 7:00 - 15:00
- by post to the following address: Urząd Dozoru Technicznego, ul. Szczęśliwicka 34, 02-353 Warsaw.
- by electronic correspondence to udt@udt.gov.pl or via UDT Electronic Inbox (ePUAP) /udt/SkrytkaESP.
UDT should ensure accessibility (implement the request) without undue delay, but not later than within 14 days from the date of the submission of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, UDT shall immediately notify the applicant of the reasons for the delay and indicate a new deadline for ensuring accessibility, not longer than 2 months from the date of the submission of the application.
If ensuring accessibility within the scope specified in the application is impossible or significantly difficult, e.g. for technical or legal reasons, UDT shall immediately notify the applicant of the inability to ensure accessibility, proposing alternative access.
If UDT fails to provide the requested accessibility in the manner and within the time limit indicated above, the applicant has the right to file a complaint about the lack of accessibility. The complaint shall be submitted to the President of the Management Board of PFRON within 30 days from the date of expiry of the deadlines referred to above.
After exhausting all the possibilities, the complaint can also be sent to the Ombudsman (https://bip.brpo.gov.pl/).
We kindly inform you that the provisions of the Act of June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 735, as amended) do not apply, with the exception of the provisions regarding the exclusion of employees of the authority, deliveries, the method of calculating deadlines, supplementing formal shortcomings and submitting the application in accordance with the jurisdiction.
Architectural accessibility
Centrala Urzędu Dozoru Technicznego, ul. Szczęśliwicka 34; 02-353 Warsaw
UDT headquarters is located at ul. Szczęśliwicka 34 in a complex of 4 buildings: A, B, C, D.
Buildings A, B and C are interconnected, while building D is a separate building.
The main entrance to building B is located on the side of Szczęśliwicka Street and takes the stairs. An additional entrance with a ramp enabling access for people with mobility disabilities is located on the side of the courtyard and allows the access to buildings B and C.
The building has passenger lifts with access to all floors of buildings B and C.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Białystok, Branch in Warsaw, ul. Hetmańska 99, 15-727 Bialystok
The main entrance to the building is from Hetmańska Street.
The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building (including from the underground parking level)
and access to the premises.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There are designated parking spaces for the disabled both in the internal and underground car parks.
UDT Office in Bielsko-Biała, Branch in Katowice, ul. Legionów 81, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała
The main entrance to the building is located at Legionów Street and has a ramp for the physically disabled persons. Access to the passenger lift by stairs - there is a device for lifting a wheelchair for the disabled. The building has passenger lifts
with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which enables free movement around the building and access to rooms. The building has a toilet on the ground floor adapted to the needs of the disabled.
Near the entrances to the building and in the internal car park there is a designated parking space for the disabled.
UDT branch in Bydgoszcz, ul. Kamienna 76; 85-726 Bydgoszcz
The main entrance to the building is from Kamienna Street.
The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which enables free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a designated parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Częstochowa, Branch in Katowice, ul. Kilińskiego 115; 42-218 Czestochowa
The main entrance to the building is located at Kilińskiego Street - no access for people with physical disabilities.
The building does not have passenger lifts. The training room located next to the building has a ramp for wheelchairs for the disabled at the entrance.
The building does not have toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the outdoor car park.
UDT branch in Gdańsk, ul. Trakt Św.. Wojciecha 215 B; 80-017 Gdansk
The main entrance to the building is located at ul. Trakt Św.. Wojciecha.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which enables free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is no parking space for the disabled near the entrance to the building.
UDT Office in Gliwice, Branch in Katowice, ul. Robotnicza 4a; 44-100 Gliwice
The main entrance to the building is located at Odlewników street.
The Entrance to the building with a driveway and another to the passenger lift - from the private parking lot.
The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc. The appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which enables free movement around the building and access to rooms.The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled persons in the car park.
UDT Office in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Branch in Szczecin, ul. Kotsisa 3; 66-400 Gorzow Wielkopolski
The main entrance to the building is from Kotsisa Street.
A building with an access ramp for people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
Access for people with physical disabilities limited to the ground floor of the building - the possibility of providing service for people with disabilities on the ground floor. There is no toilet with facilities for the disabled in the building.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the car park.
UDT branch in Katowice, ul. Wrocławska 54 (DL PIANO building); 40-217 Katowice
The main entrance to the building is from the car park of the building located at ul. Wrocławska 54. The building is accessible to people with physical disabilities. The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors. The building has a toilet adapted for people with physical disabilities. The car park offers a parking space for the disabled.
Office of the UDT in Kielce, Branch in Krakow, ul. Kosciuszki 33B; 25-316 Kielce
The main entrance to the building is from Kościuszki Street.
The building does not have a passenger lift, there is a toilet for the disabled on the ground floor, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) and moving around for people with physical disabilities.
The building has a stairclimber, enabling people with physical disabilities accessing the ground floor of the building, but with the help of the UDT employee.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Koszalin, Branch in Szczecin, ul. Morska 45; 75-215 Koszalin
The main entrance to the building is located from the side of the internal car park at Morska Street.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
Branch Office of Technical Inspection in Krakow, ul. L. Rydla 50; 30-087 Krakow
The main entrance to the building is from Rydla Street. Access for people with mobility disabilities is possible through the side entrance from the internal car park (requesting security is necessary).
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Lublin, ul. Droga Męczenników Majdanka 6; 20-325 Lublin
The building has two entrances. The main entrance to the building is from Droga Męczenników Majdanka Street and the entrance from the car park.
The building has a passenger lift, no toilet for the disabled, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) and moving around for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Łódź, ul. Dowborczyków 18; 90-019 Łódź
The main entrance to the building is from Dowborczyków Street.
The building is accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
The building has toilets adapted for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Olsztyn, Branch in Gdańsk, Al. Wojska Polskiego 48; 10-229 Olsztyn
The main entrance to the building is from Al. Wojska Polskiego.
The building has a passenger lift, no separate toilet for the disabled, no access to the building (stairs). The building is not accessible to people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Opole, Branch in Wrocław, ul. Plebiscytowa 5; 45-360 Opole
The main entrance to the building is from Wojciecha Drzymały Street.
The building does not have a passenger lift. There is a toilet for the disabled persons on the ground floor of the building. It is possible to enter the building (ramp and videophone)
and move around on the ground floor for people with physical disabilities.
There are no dedicated parking spaces for the disabled near the entrance to the building nor in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Ostrów Wielkopolski, Branch in Łódź, ul. Matejki 31; 63-400 Ostrow Wielkopolski
The main entrance to the building is from Matejki Street. The entrance to the building has no stairs and is accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Płock, Branch in Bydgoszcz, ul. Kilińskiego 10c; 09-402 Płock
The main entrance to the building is located at Kilińskiego Street. Additional entrance from the side of the car park with a ramp enabling the entry for people with physical disabilities.
Access for people with physical disabilities is limited to the ground floor of the building - disabled people can be provided with service on the ground floor. The building has a toilet on the ground floor with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Poznań, ul. Małachowskiego 10; 61-129 Poznań
The main entrance to the building is from the internal car park located at Małachowskiego Street.
The seat of the Branch is located in the rented office space on the 1st floor of the building. The building has passenger lifts with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
In the vicinity of the entrances to the building and in the internal car park, there are no parking spaces for the disabled allocated to UDT. There are public spaces for people with disabilities.
UDT Office in Puławy, Branch in Lublin, Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 13; 24-110 Pulawy
The Office is located in a rented office building on the premises of Zakłady Azotowe Puławy.
The building does not have a passenger lift, no designated toilet for the disabled, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) nor moving around for people with physical disabilities.
There are no designated parking spaces for the disabled near the entrance to the building nor in the internal car park.
Office of UDT in Radom, Branch in Łódź, ul. 11 Listopada 29; 26-605 Radom
The main entrance to the building is located at11 Listopada Street. The entrance to the building has no stairs and is accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There is a designated parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Rzeszów, Branch in Lublin, ul. Wita Stwosza 49; 35-113 Rzeszow
The main entrance to the building is located at Wita Stwosza Street.
The building does not have a passenger lift, no toilet for the disabled, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) nor moving around for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT office in Siedlce, Branch in Warsaw, ul. Brzeska 122; 08-102 Siedlce
The main entrance to the building is from Brzeska Street.
The building is inaccessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building does not have toilets adapted to the needs of the disabled.
There is no designated parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Szczecin, ul. Wincentego Pola 2b; 71 - 342 Szczecin
The main entrance to the building is from Wincentego Pola Street. The building is not accessible to people with physical disabilities. The Entrance to the ground floor of the building by stairs. The building does not have a toilet for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the parking lot in front of the property.
Office of the UDT in Tarnów, Branch in Krakow, ul. Czerwonych Klonów 6; 33-101 Tarnow
The main entrance to the building is located at Czerwonych Klonów Street.
The building does not have a passenger lift, no toilet for the disabled, no possibility of entering the building (stairs) nor moving around for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT Office in Toruń, Branch in Bydgoszcz, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 77b; 87-100 Torun
The office is located on the ground floor of a multi-family building. The main entrance to the office is from Żwirki i Wigury Street. The building has a ramp enabling the access for people with physical disabilities.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes of the premises in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to the rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the premises and access to the rooms.
The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
There are no parking spaces for the disabled near the entrances to the building.
UDT Office in Wałbrzych, Branch in Wrocław, ul. Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego 3a; 58-309 Walbrzych
The main entrance to the building is located at Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego Street. The entrance to the building has a ramp enabling the access for people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the building's communication routes in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms. The building has toilets with facilities for the disabled. There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT office in Zielona Góra, Branch in Poznań, ul. Ceglana 19; 65-211 Zielona Gora
The main entrance to the building is located at Ceglana Street. An additional entrance to the facility is located from the side of the internal car park and has a ramp enabling the access for people with physical disabilities. The Access for people with physical disabilities is limited to the ground floor of the building - disabled people can be provided with service on the ground floor.
On the ground floor, the building has a toilet with facilities for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Warsaw, ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 172; 02-486 Warsaw
The main entrance to the building is located at Aleje Jerozolimskie 172.
The building is accessible to people with physical disabilities.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
The building has toilets adapted for people with physical disabilities.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
UDT office in Włocławek, Branch in Bydgoszcz, ul. Toruńska 222; 87-805 Wloclawek
The Office is located in a rented one-story office building on the premises of Zakłady Anwil Włocławek. The building is not accessible to people with physical disabilities (stairs).
There is no toilet adapted for disabled persons in the premises.
There are no dedicated parking spaces for the disabled near the entrance to the building nor in the internal car park.
UDT branch in Wrocław, ul. Grabiszyńska 51; 53-503 Wroclaw
The main entrance to the building is from Grabiszyńska Street. The entrance to the building has no stairs and is accessible to people with physical disabilities. Handicapped people are provided with service on the ground floor due to the fact that the access to the passenger lift with the access to all floors is via stairs. The building does not have a toilet with facilities for the disabled.
There are no parking spaces for the disabled near the entrances to the building nor in the internal car park.
Central Laboratory of Technical Inspection in Poznań, ul. Ostrowska 388; Poznań
The main entrance to the office building is located from the side of the internal car park.
The building has a passenger lift with the access to all floors.
There are no architectural obstacles in the communication routes in the office building in the form of thresholds, faults, etc., and the appropriate width of the corridors and entrances to rooms is also ensured, which allows free movement around the building and access to rooms.
The office building has toilets with facilities for the disabled.
The laboratory hall is available on the ground floor of the building. The entrance to level 1 (mezzanine with laboratory rooms) via stairs - no accessibility for the disabled.
There is a parking space for the disabled in the internal car park.
Moving around UDT buildings
In accordance with the safety rules at Office of Technical Inspection, guests and visitors are not allowed to move around the building on their own. They are always accompanied by people inviting or conducting cases. They ensure that you can reach the right rooms and provide the necessary support. Persons using the assistance of an assistance dog or a guide dog may enter UDT buildings in accordance with the rules described above.
Accessibility for people who are deaf or hard of hearing
In order to effectively communicate with our office, deaf or hard of hearing people can:
- use free assistance of an on-line sign language interpreter:
o the on-line translation service is provided from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, excluding public holidays;
o you can connect via device with a camera and the Internet access;
o the link to the sign language interpreter is located in the upper right corner of the website of Office of Technical Inspection and is marked with a special hand pictogram. Clicking on the pictogram will redirect you to the website of the Polish Association of the Deaf, where you can connect with an interpreter.
- write a letter/submit an application to the following address: Biuro Dozoru Technicznego, ul. Szczęśliwicka 34, 02-353 Warsaw;
- send an e-mail to: udt@udt.gov.pl;
- contact by phone with the help of a third party at the telephone number: (+48) 22 57 22 100;
- contact in person by reporting to the office between 8.00 and 16.00.
Mobile applications
UDT currently does not provide any mobile applications.
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Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany bezpłatnym otrzymaniem płyty DVD z filmem, napisz do nas na adres: eksploatacja@udt.gov.pl, podając dane do wysyłki oraz tytuł zamawianego filmu.
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